Decentralized human auditing

on Base for $0 per Audit.

Available for utility tokens, or memecoins, or NFTs..

audited tokens should be the norm, not the exception.

Request a Free Smart Contract Audit

Attract token buyers with

your BaseGuard Score.. For Free

Introducing a new way to reassure buyers

while keeping Base safer than any other blockchain.


New audits paradigm

Designed by Industry Experts - Powering BaseGuard

Extropy is a leading auditor and academic blockchain educator based in Oxford, UK. They have designed the BaseGuard system based on years of industry experience.

BaseGuard uses an efficient protocol to allow for high throughput of human-processed, co-signed audits, where the most common and critical vulnerabilities can be checked in minimal time.

Industry-standard techniques and tools are used by auditors. Entropy's experience is distilled into a novel model for decentralized audits, empowering developers in Base to contribute to its collective safety.

Check Out Extropy

A safer ecosystem, good for everyone

...Except Scammers.

Everyone benefits from a safer Base ecosystem

from projects to institutions to end users.

Base & Coinbase

Every day, Base forges a path toward it's goal of bringing the next billion people onchain.

New cryptocurrency users are typically the most impacted by scammers due to inexperience.

With a culture built around auditing-as-the-norm via free, readily-available, high-quality audits, a much lower percentage of those next billion people will be impacted by scams.

Safe crypto users bring their friends and family onchain. Rugpull survivors tell war stories.


Institutional Investors

While scams and rugpulls are present in every blockchain, a factor that undoubtedly makes any DLT environment more attractive to smart money is security.

Safe ecosystems see less value leeched away by malicious parties, and provide a more stable and predictable space to invest within.

An ecosystem which eradicates the commonality of rugpulls first will be fertile ground for savvy investors seeking to optimize for risk-reward.

Project Teams

Project teams working to bring high quality products and communities to the market have a much harder path than scam projects.

Often those projects acting in good faith and for the good of the ecosystem can be drowned out by the noise of hundreds of low effort, low technical skill projects launching each week.

By raising the bar for code safety standards chain-wide, quality projects automatically shine through more as the signal-to-noise ratio is improved.


Retail Investors

Retail investors bear the brunt of the damage caused by malicious actors in the crypto space, and have the most to gain from a safer ecosystem, relatively speaking.

Factors such as the cost of human audits, the ineffectiveness of automated audits, and the lack of completed audits being the standard for tokens, all provide a smokescreen for scammers to thrive in.

More data for token buyers means less profit for scammers. Less profit for scammers means more profit for token buyers. Keeping crypto in the hands of the investors and good actors means a strong ecosystem.

Sometimes paying the most

Doesn't Guarantee the Best Results.


Helping Base to be as safe as possible

Helping Investors to Find Diamonds

Request a Free Smart Contract Audit